Celebrating 75: Bob Gallager’s Birthday Workshop
On July 17, 2006 colleagues and former students gathered together at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to participate in a workshop in honor of Bob Gallager. The 63 participants came together to recognize Gallager’s contributions to information theory, coding theory, data networks, and communications systems.
The day concluded with a banquet where students presented a plaque to commemorate Gallager’s career as an influential fundamental researcher and inspirational mentor.
Fond Farewell - Fifa Monserrate
After over 30 years of service to MIT and LIDS, Maria “Fifa” Monserrate retired from her position as administrative support staff. A reception was held on March 23, 2007 in honor of Fifa and her commitment to the faculty, staff, and students. She was a positive force in LIDS and will be missed.