In this issue, you will find articles about postdoctoral researcher Vasileios Tzoumas, recent graduate Omer Tanovic, current graduate student Jennifer Tang, Senior Research Scientist Marija Ilic, LIDS alum Chung-Chieh Kuo, and staff member Carissa Prue.
As I look back at the past year, I am excited to see the lab in the midst of milestones: this issue of LIDS|All marks its 15th year of publication; the 2020 LIDS Student Conference will be our 25th; and now, fall 2019, we are celebrating the lab’s 80th anniversary.
Picture this: It’s a hot, dry summer’s night. A lit cigarette butt; a spark. Suddenly, a rapidly-spreading fire is making its way through the neighborhood.
Jennifer Tang is an avid ice hockey fan who loves both playing and watching the sport.
PhD candidate Omer Tanovic joined LIDS because he loves studying theory and turning research ques- tions into solvable math problems.
Marija Ilic, a Senior Research Scientist at LIDS, affiliate of the MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, senior staff in MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s Energy Systems Group, and Carnegie Mellon University Professor Emerita, is a researcher on a mission: making electric energy systems future-ready.
This year, LIDS alumnus Chung-Chieh Jay Kuo reached a remarkable milestone: as of May 2019, his lab has graduated an astonishing 150 PhD students — an average of five a year in its 30-year history.
My role here is Senior Financial Assistant, so that’s providing financial and proposal development support to our Administrative Officer.